Looking back on 2021 before moving ahead to a new year in 2022 with you!

by | Jan 6, 2022 | Featured Post, US Air Force, US Army, US Coast Guard, US Marine Corps, US Navy

2022. It’s a new year. January invites us to make resolutions, set goals, reflect on what happened last year. What could be done better? What is worth repeating? Can I or should I change anything? All good questions. At the heart of all those questions is what?

We all want happiness. All our special annual celebrations begin with the word “happy”. Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, Happy Valentines Day . . . you know what I’m saying.

Follow 2MyHero military greeting cards on Instagram.
Follow 2MyHero on Instagram

So, it’s fitting to begin this blog by wishing you a Happy New Year! Let me say how happy I am for each and every customer who has chosen to purchase and give 2MyHero® military greeting cards.

Some of you are military members yourself. I am honored to serve you! You are the reason I do what I do. I want you to know you’re valued.

Some of you are either related to or a friend of a military member. You’re like me. You love your military member (or in some cases members). You want them to know how much you love them, and are proud of their service.

I’d like to reflect on some great things that happened in 2021 for 2MyHero®.

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2021 was a great year for 2MyHero®!

I’m grateful for all the military families and friends who chose 2MyHero® cards to congratulate, encourage, support, and just plain “send love in an envelope” to their Airmen, Coasties, Marines, Sailors, and Soldiers.

Few things make me happier than to hear from my customers. Unless of course it’s a shipping issue, which doesn’t make me happy. But that’s for another blog. In 2021, I heard from many customers. They shared snippets of their stories. Both in reviews and in emails, customers shared their delight at finding 2MyHero. They shared how their Airman, Coastie, Marine, Sailor, or Soldier appreciated the 2MyHero cards sent by them.

2MyHero® sells on this website, on Amazon and on Etsy. The quote below came in a message through the Amazon seller feedback page:

Dear Seller, Thank you so very much. My Army graduation card arrived today. My son is officially a Soldier now. I’m so PROUD. Your card was perfect!!! Thanks again. Sincerely, DW

Although this customer had left a kind review, they also took the time to message me directly. They may never know how much that meant to me! DW, if you’re reading this, you know who you are.

2021 brought a wide variety of customers to 2MyHero®!

Custom notecards require a bit more communication, simply because they are personalized. When an order for custom note cards comes in (whether on the website or on Etsy), I put together a draft. I send this personalized image back to the customer and ask them to check for spelling. They can adjust the size of the text. Sometimes they ask to add a rank insignia. There’s some back and forth.

2MyHero personalized custom note cards for a USAFA cadet
A USAFA mom ordered these for her son. He started at the Academy in Colorado Springs this fall.

This year, the range of customers ordering personalized 2MyHero® custom note cards was incredible! (In all the images, the names have been covered to protect privacy.) I’d like to share a few of the different orders that I had the privilege of producing.

From Cadet to Brig Gen (ret) USAF Airmen and their loved ones led the way in ordering 2MyHero® personalized and note cards. 2MyHero® was ordered for USAF, USMC, USN, and US Army. Maybe next year, Coasties?

2MyHero personalized custom note cards for USAF Airmen
Airmen beginning their career all the way to those retired, love 2MyHero personalized note cards.

2021 brought discoveries!

One of the fun discoveries I made this year was that rank insignia is an easy addition to personalizing custom note cards. I thought these were trademarked symbols. But the USAF Trademark Office informed me that rank insignia are not trademarked. So, when a CMSgt asked me if I could add his rank, I easily accommodated his request!

2MyHero personalized custom note card for a USAF CMSgt.
Rank insignia adds another layer of personalization to custom notecards, like this one for a USAF CMSgt.

It’s no secret that Marines are loyal to their brand. But, in 2021, I discovered that Marines are even more loyal than I had previously thought. This deployed Marine ordered custom note cards for their family Christmas card. Now that’s brand loyalty!

2MyHero personalized custom note card for a USMC family Christmas card.
Gotta love the loyalty within the brotherhood!

On a less festive note, but deeply heartfelt, I received an order for these custom notecards. Ordered by a grieving father who had lost his son. Dad, a retired Army officer, served in Vietnam. His son had served in the US Marine Corps in the Middle East. Dad wanted notecards to send to those closest to his son. Those who had served alongside his son.

In an email exchange, he shared his son’s story and his own grief. I felt so honored to have had the opportunity to create this special card for he and his wife. It was one of my top 10 moments in 2021.

USMC personalized custom note cards
Not a happy occasion like many others, but one that deeply impacted me, and reminded me this is what 2MyHero® is about.

2021 showed me how deep the love runs in military families

Not surprisingly, most 2MyHero® customers are moms or grandmothers of Airmen, Coasties, Marines, Sailors, and Soldiers. Some give custom note cards as gifts. Most often a single set is ordered. But not in this case. Here, a grandmother wanted a special gift personalized specifically for her granddaughter. She ordered 3 sets of custom note cards.

2MyHero personalized custom note card for a USMC newly promoted Captain
An adoring grandmother of a newly promoted USMC Captain ordered multiple sets of the custom note cards to give her granddaughter.

A special gift deserves special gift wrapping. I decided to go a little extra on the wrapping when I learned about the story behind this gift.

2MyHero classic gift wrap - a beautiful touch to a personalized gift.
All 2MyHero® orders are lovingly wrapped. This one got a little extra love. 6 boxes of custom note cards for a newly promoted Capt in the USMC.

2021 personalization was a match made in heaven!

It’s not hard to imagine that a Chaplain, in any branch of service would have use for personal note cards.

2MyHero personalized custom note card for a USN Chaplain.
USN custom note cards for a Navy Chaplain.

This man’s life touches others in ways that go way beyond personalized note cards. No question about it. But, he knows that a written word sometimes carries weight that spoken words cannot. It is my sincere hope that 2022 will bring 2MyHero® into more lives. Only God knows who that will be and how they will be impacted.

I’m grateful for these and many other glimpses into how military members are being encouraged and supported by their loved ones.

Give a shout out for 2021

If you’re a 2MyHero® customer please comment below. Which card or boxed set did you order? I’d love to hear your story! Tell a little something fun about your military member. If you’re a military member, tell why you buy 2MyHero military greeting cards.

Have specific questions or comments? You can also connect through our contact page on the website.

Find 2MyHero on PinterestInstagram, and Facebook. I’d love to meet you in cyberland and learn more about what you need to help you stay connected with your military people.