Certainly Solomon of the Biblical book Song of Solomon did not see this coming. One day there would be an almost worldwide celebration of love in the form of Valentine’s Day. Worldwide, because according to the BBC, every country celebrates Valentine’s Day. All but 6.

Surround your military member with hugs and kisses this Valentine's Day - 2MyHero
Limited edition – Surrounded with Hugs and Kisses – from 2MyHero.

Which 6? According to an article by the BBC these 6 countries do not:

Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, Valentine’s Day is banned by the kingdom’s religious police.

In Saudi Arabia in 2011 five Saudis received a total of 39 years in prison. Additionally, 4,500 lashes given between them. The men were dancing with six women on Valentine’s Day. Six women they were unrelated to on Valentine’s Day. Also seized: alcohol and red roses.

Surround your military member with hugs and kisses this Valentine's Day - 2MyHero
Thoughtfulls from Compendium. Gift with purchase for all February orders.

Whether you purchase 2MyHero on our website, on our Amazon or Etsy store, you will find one of these tucked in with your order in the month of February.

Love for every troop!

I’m grateful for all the military families and friends who choose 2MyHero cards. They pen words to congratulate, encourage, and just plain “send love in an envelope”. Airmen, Coasties, Marines, Sailors, and Soldiers get the messages.

Correspondence is important for so many reasons. Many military members feel no one understands them. They feel no one understands what they do. No one understands why they chose to serve in the military.

A Marine Now is one of our most popular cards.

Even if you don’t fully understand the who what and why of your military member, you can ask questions to gain understanding. You can affirm what you do see in their actions.

“Pursue love”

This is one of the reasons I believe sending cards and writing personal messages of encouragement are so important. They help everyone involved to remember. Remembering the ‘highs’ helps carry you through the ‘lows’.

A military greeting card with a personal message inside is a visual reminder an Airman, Coastie, Marine, Sailor, or Soldier can pull out and re-read anytime and anywhere. Well, maybe not anywhere.

Surround your military member with hugs and kisses this Valentine's Day - 2MyHero
2MyHero dedicates this special Valentine’s Day card to all the troops who will be deployed on Valentine’s Day.

Many military members feel forgotten and misunderstood. They need to hear that we appreciate their service and that we love them!


In India, right-wing Hindu groups view the holiday as a cultural invasion on their way of life.

The Indian Hindu nationalist party Mahasabha said they would encourage couples spotted together on Valentine’s Day to get married. Religious leaders standby to perform marriages.

Party leader Chandra Prakash Kaushik told The Times of India: “We are not against love, but if a couple is in love then they must get married.” I can’t say I disagree.

Surround your military member with hugs and kisses this Valentine's Day - 2MyHero
Limited edition – Surrounded by hugs and kisses – Order now! Only 20 available.


In Pakistan, liberal students celebrated with red balloons and cake, while another group felt such a show was un-Islamic.

Last year, there were clashes at a university in Peshawar over Valentine’s Day. Dozens of students threw rocks in the scuffle. Gunshots fired by both sides led to rooms in a student dormitory set on fire.

Three students sustained injury. Stones thrown at police. Perhaps St. Valentine would be mortified to hear this reaction?

Bridge the distance between you and your military loved one this Valentine’s Day.

Make Valentine’s Day special for your military member!

Not surprisingly, most 2MyHero customers are moms or grandmothers of Airmen, Coasties, Marines, Sailors, and Soldiers. These customers care deeply about their service member. They are eager to express their pride.

But girlfriends and wives of military members are also a considerable percentage of my customers!

Because I know my customers care so much, I wrap each order with attention to detail. I hand press each sticker using a custom embossing plate. This gold sticker complements the navy blue tissue that surrounds the card, envelope, Thoughtfull and packing list.

2MyHero offers premium packaging on all military greeting card orders
All 2MyHero® orders are lovingly wrapped.

I’m grateful for these customers who care so deeply about their military members. Their loved ones are encouraging and supporting them.


In Malaysia, the religious authorities say Valentine’s Day is synonymous with immoral activities.

According to Wedded Wonderful, in 2011, more than 80 Muslims arrested after raids found them involved in illegal behavior. The anti-Valentine’s Day campaign by the country’s Islamic authorities goes back to a fatwa issued in 2005.

Encourage your Great Lakes Naval Base graduate – Sailor in the United States Navy.

What I love about Thoughtfulls

One of the reasons I love Thoughtfulls from Compendium Inc., is that in a box of 30 – all have different inspirational sayings inside. Some people might prefer the same saying printed in all of them. However, I respectfully disagree. Variety is the spice of life.

The first product Compendium Inc. ever made was little pop-open cards with messages inside. They’ve been one of their most popular products ever since. Inside are timeless messages of inspiration to capture the heart.

Few things make me happier than to hear from my customers. Unless of course it’s a shipping issue, which doesn’t make me happy. But that’s for another blog. Sometimes customers share snippets of their stories. They tell how their Airman, Coastie, Marine, Sailor, or Soldier appreciated the 2MyHero card they received.

Customers have also commented on these special enclosure cards. The quote below came in a message through the Amazon seller feedback page:

The added personnel note as well as the little inspiration card was very appreciated.

It clearly shows this seller cares about their customers and has a kind heart.

I make a lot of purchases online, it’s rare to get service like this.

Thank you so much.

Amazon customer

This review let me know the Thoughtfull‘s included in each order do not go unnoticed. Feedback is so helpful!


In the province of Aceh, the only place with Islamic rule, celebrations are banned as is the sale of gifts.

Many Indonesians celebrate Valentine’s Day. However, officials and Muslim clerics are less happy about the holiday. In recent years there have been protests from conservative Indonesians. They say Valentine’s Day is un-Islamic.

Let your military someone know how much you love them this Valentine’s Day.


While giving chocolates and flowers on the 14 February is increasingly popular in Iran, in the past authorities have sought to crack down on celebrations, calling the day a “decadent Western custom“.

Police officers tell business leaders they are not to sell gifts or cards typically exchanged between loved-up couples on February 14. And restaurants and coffee shops receive warning “to avoid any gatherings in which boys and girls exchange Valentine’s Day gifts”.

It’s a good reminder to us Americans to be grateful for the freedoms we enjoy in this country. Freedoms our military have brought about and maintained.

Surround your military member with hugs and kisses this Valentine's Day - 2MyHero
So much love all in one envelope!

2MyHero customers love their military members!

If you’re a 2MyHero customer please comment below. Which card or boxed set did you order? I’d love to hear your story! Tell a little something fun about your military member. If you’re a military member, tell why you buy 2MyHero military greeting cards.

Have specific questions or comments? Connect through our contact page on the website.

Find 2MyHero on PinterestInstagram, and Facebook. I’d love to meet you in cyberland and learn more about what you need to help you seize the day and stay connected with your military people.