TRUST when life ends and when it begins

by | Jan 16, 2020 | Uncategorized

Recently I have been thinking about how TRUST fits into both life events: death and birth.

In the span of the last 4 months I said a final earthly “Goodbye” to my 84 year old mother and a “Welcome little one” to my first grandchild.

In those same 4 months we as Americans have lost Soldiers overseas in Afghanistan and Sailors here on our own soil. We have seen reports of missing adults and children whose disappearance resulted from intentional and unintentional events. 

Mom had suffered with dementia for several years. Slowly but steadily she lost more and more of her ability to track and understand even the simplest of tasks and events. Saying goodbye to her was bittersweet. I TRUST completely that she is in a much happier place now.

Military greeting cards help sooth the pain of death.
Holding my mom’s hand in her last days here with us.

Just a week ago I said “Welcome to the world!” to my first grandchild. I can’t even put into words the immense joy it was to hold this tiny human and feel his little fingers wrap around my index finger. I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

The birth of a child to a military family.
Nestled in my arms, my newborn grandson holds my finger ever so lightly.

As I held my grandson for the first time, my heart was so full of love and adoration of this tiny little human. I thought about the many facets of TRUST that accompany in the birth of a child. 

TRUST that he will grow and develop. My son and daughter-in-law do the same thing we did with our son when he was a newborn. When he is sleeping very still they check to make sure he’s still breathing.   

TRUST that with the support of family and friends he will work through the difficulties that will surely come his way.   

TRUST that the days ahead hold many joyful moments.

TRUST that he will find and choose a vocation that will be fulfilling and rewarding for his own unique skillset. 

If you are a military mom or dad whether to a Soldier, Sailor, Coastie, Marine, or an Airman you likely remember the day your now adult child was born. You faced the similar fears all new parents face. You met those fears and dealt with them.

When your child headed off to boot camp perhaps you had flashbacks to the day they were born? How could your baby be big enough, old enough to join the military?

Then the pride you felt when they graduated from boot camp eclipsed the pride you’d felt at previous accomplishments. That pride soon receded into the reality of military life that often means long spans of distance and a whole new set of fears you must face and deal with. Enter TRUST.

Military Sympathy greeting cards from 2MyHero on sale until January 26 on Amazon and Etsy.

It is my sincere wish that as you read this, your child is thriving in their chosen branch of service. They continue to learn and develop new skills they are excited about. Perhaps they are deployed to places they are happy to be. Perhaps they are deployed to places they’d rather not be.

If you are reading this and you find yourself in the most painful of military realities, the loss of your dear one I’d like to first of all say this – I am so sorry that you are on this path! I truly wish there was a magic wand to alter the reality and bring them back. A magic wand to remove the pain you feel every day.

If you are reading this and you know someone who has recently lost a loved one either active duty, Veteran or retired I want to encourage you to reach out to these precious families. Come alongside them in their grief.

2MyHero Military Sympathy Mixed Pack of greeting cards
20% off on Etsy and Amazon
2MyHero Military Sympathy Mixed Pack of greeting cards
20% off on Etsy and Amazon

Now until January 26, 2MyHero military sympathy greeting cards are 20% off on Amazon and on Etsy. On Amazon, simply clip the coupon to apply it to your purchase. The link to Etsy will automatically deduct the 20% off.

I’m very grateful that my mom’s passing is something I view as a blessing. I know very well that not all death can be viewed this way. 

In this same span of 4 months, friends of ours lost their son and have no resolution as to how or why. They face a totally different range of emotions and view of death. There’s no blessing in that situation. There are glimpses of good things in the midst of it, but it is a burden and sadness that will never completely go away.

I have the privilege to know several Gold Star families. The moms and dads alike bear a grief that is intense and does not recede with time. They learn how to cope, but the loss is always present.

I’ve come to the conclusion that the most important takeaway from losing a loved one is to do all we can to carry their memory with us and to embrace death as a reminder to make the most of each day.

It requires TRUST – To love those we still have with us the best we can. To do the most with the opportunities we have in front of us. To pursue with all our strength the passions and dreams we have.

The 20% off sale is a great time to stock up on sympathy greeting cards specifically designed for military families. These aren’t offered in the big box stores, but you can find them on Amazon and on Etsy.

If you want to keep up with new products from 2MyHero be sure to Sign up for our newsletter and get a discount code for 10% off your orders on our website. You’ll get up to date information about new products and special deals. Let 2MyHero help you stay connected with the ones you love and know serving in any branch of the Armed Forces.

Comment below about how 2MyHero military greeting cards have helped you encourage and connect with your military loved one or with a Gold Star mom or dad! 

Let me know how it made them feel and how it helped you stay connected with them. Of course, be mindful of OPSEC, and don’t give any specifics or details that would be potentially harmful to put out on the web.

You can also find 2MyHero on PinterestInstagram or Facebook. I’d love to meet you in cyber land and learn more about what you need to help you stay connected with your military peeps.

Connect with us through our Contact Page to leave your feedback on the cards.