Empathy and Sympathy for Military Gold Star Families

Empathy and Sympathy for Military Gold Star Families

For just a few more days 2MyHero is offering 20% off the Mixed Pack of Gold Star Military Sympathy cards sold on Amazon and Etsy. Be sure to pick up a pack to have on hand when you have the opportunity to come alongside a Gold Star family and either empathize or...
TRUST when life ends and when it begins

TRUST when life ends and when it begins

Recently I have been thinking about how TRUST fits into both life events: death and birth. In the span of the last 4 months I said a final earthly “Goodbye” to my 84 year old mother and a “Welcome little one” to my first grandchild. In those same 4 months...
Cherry Blueberry Pie – Oh My!

Cherry Blueberry Pie – Oh My!

One of my favorite things about summer is fresh fruit. And the things you can do with fresh fruit besides just eat it straight up. I live in the Pacific Northwest, so I have access to amazing fruit in the summer. Strawberries kick off the season and apples bring it to...