Not just a pretty drink

Not just a pretty drink

Motivation comes in many forms. Experiences and influences without and within drive us to do what we do. Sure we want to look good, but we want more than that. We want purpose, intentionality, something meaningful behind what we do, buy, and experience. Even though...
A time to pause and remember

A time to pause and remember

Memorial Day can be very sad and yet for those of us with a melancholy temperament, it is also a time to savor the deep joy and memories of a loved one who served in one of the Armed Forces and whose life you treasure. It is time to pause and remember. There are...
All over the map – quite literally!

All over the map – quite literally!

2MyHero receives orders from all across the United States. From the Northwest corner of Washington State to the Southwest shores of Florida and most states in between. If you’re curious, the only states we’ve not yet received orders from are Montana,...
A Childhood Favorite Re-invented

A Childhood Favorite Re-invented

How many of you were big time fans of the Creamsicle ice cream bars as a kid? I was. I didn’t get them very often, which might be part of the reason they are such a fond memory. They were a very special treat, and as such I savored each one. A friend of mine...